Home based Nutrition with BioActives (Active Ingredients)

Home based Nutrition with BioActives (Active Ingredients)

The coronavirus has put a spot light on the importance of nutrition in supporting the immune system. However, there’s no evidence that a specific food or dietary supplement or natural health products can treat the COVID-19 infection but building up the immune system is one of the most important factors to fight against any foreign invasion in our body. The world over, India is known for as home of spices. Spices, which are mostly used for adding flavours & aroma in food, are also used for medicinal purposes by Ayurvedic therapeutic systems. Most of the spices contain bioactive compounds which possess antimicrobial properties. We can also find some locally available immunity boosting foods in kitchen which has many health benefits properties like Turmeric, Ginger, lemon, cloves etc. Some of the benefits of these are mentioned below. 

Turmeric: It is a spice. The bio-active component of turmeric is curcumin & is the main natural polyphenol found in turmeric. It has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, antimicrobial & anticancer properties. Lakadong Turmeric from NE regions of India is supposed to have one of the highest ingredient of Curcumin (7-12%).


Ginger: It is one of the most widely used condiments for various foods and beverages. The nutraceuticals properties of ginger include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, gastroprotective, immunomodulatory. Ginger has non-volatile pungent components, including gingerols, shogaoals, zingerone which have potent biological activities & are the most important phytoconstituents and are responsible for its spicy flavor & various pharmological benefits. 


Lemon: It is one of the most popular citrus fruit and it has many nutritional benefits. Lemon has rich contents of vitamins including Vitamin C & Minerals including biologically active compounds like Isopulegol, Citra and Limonene which are extremely beneficial for human body. It has antibacterial & antiviral properties. It enhances our immune system, improves digestion & increases absorption of iron. 


Due to covid-19 pandemic, people have been more conscious and worried about their health particularly immune health. There has been an increase in the demand of products with immunity boosting claims. These are some products which are most available in the market. 

Haldi Milk: This poduct contains high concentration of turmeric extract and can be made at home. You can make it with just a glass of milk and a teaspoon of raw haldi powder. 

Chyawanprash: It is an ayurvedic health supplement which has super-concentrated blend of nutrient-rich herbs and minerals. It possesses multiple health benefits and addressing the preventive, promotive & curative aspects of health & enhancing immunity. 

Immunity Boosting Herbal Tea: This tea is a combination of six herbs such as Ashwagandha, Giloy, Mulethi, Tulsi, & Green Tea which are mixed in carefully proportions considering factors such as immunity enhancer, sensory appeal, ease of preparation and acceptable palatability. 

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